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Darkness icon door does not open in response to darkness

The door in Pandora's Bane with a darkness icon does not open in response to the enchantment darkness being cast nearby or at the door
6 days ago in Bugs 0 Open
263 VOTE

Allow us to choose our augments for crafting stations to turn them on and off.

It'd be nice to have an interface in each crafting station, that allowed us to just toggle which augments we wanted, so we can decorate however we want, keep all augments connected to the crafting station, and then just choose which ones we want t...
6 months ago in Feedback 22 Open
246 VOTE

Please add dyes and ways to make character look better and more personlized.

dyes and customization
7 months ago in Feedback 8 Open
219 VOTE

Essence Traders are kinda pointless now

I love the new 0.5 update, but with progression feature, the Essence Traders kinda feel pointless and their prices are very high. I am hoping that maybe one day they will have rarer items or unique items to purchase. But please don't let them be a...
6 months ago in Feedback 31 Open

Nightingale City - Golden Vase Bug

Only 4 golden vases can currently be found. We now have several users who confirm this. Apparently the last golden vase does not spawn, regardless of location!
14 days ago in Bugs 4 Under Investigation

Character Deleted after PC reset.

I was playing, there was a power surge here at home and the PC restarted, when it came back I no longer had my character, I was playing offline, both within the game and with Steam offline!! Here is the Saved folder
about 3 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

Missing Storage and Benches

While playing the demo I had a respite and benches and storage. When I logged in again it said it was there on the map but none of it was. I assumed it was because it was the demo. I bought the full version and it's still happening.
about 6 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

Stuck below graphics in Nightingale City

Fell down a shaft near the water in Nightingale City. When I finally found a place to get out of the water and climb back up, I came up beneath the graphics and could not get back to the level of play.
1 day ago in Bugs 0 Open

Cannot find Puck

Cannot find Puck near the starting point in the quest "Return to Puck".
1 day ago in Feedback 0 Open

The Activations of Fae artifacts seems bugged

It's not only in the Fae-vaults that this happens, that you cannot activate the artifact to open the portals. It also happened in the boss fights, latest one was Yex and the artifact doesn't work after that. Luckily the quests seems to be finished...
1 day ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation