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182 VOTE

Give us a preview of what the item will look like crafted with certain materials

There is no way to know how our crafted outfits will turn out with the materials used. Please provide something so we are not wasting materials on outfits we will not wear because it will not meet the aesthetic we are trying for. Thank you.
6 months ago in Feedback 7 Open

the Bounds lair - Portal not not opening

the mechanism doesn't have to option to activate
14 days ago in Bugs 6 Open

Unable to add resources unless its direct to building shadowform

When you add a new shadowform, like a wall, previously to the Nightingale city update we saw on our UI the resources needed to fulfill the build. We were also able to add them from any connected portion of the base with the same E auto add. I am u...
11 days ago in Bugs 3 Open
149 VOTE

Excellent Cooking Station

This is just a small thing, but can we get a craftable version of the cast iron stove like the one in Danu's house or some of the NPC homes? the victorian decorated kitchen i want to build looks so wierd with what is basically a Hibachi in it as a...
6 months ago in Feedback 7 Open

Decorative Paintings

It would be great to have some art to be hung in our buildings as paintings to decorate the walls - the card art are great already, and additional art (maybe even provided by the community!) would be fantastic. this would work similar to Minecraft...
5 days ago in Feedback 0 Open
123 VOTE

Give companions dedicated gear slots

Currently the companion's equipped gear stays in their inventory. If the companions had dedicated gear slots, like the players do, then their gear wouldn't feel like it's wasting their precious few bag slots.
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Defense Mission/ Queens Brae

I completed the Mission but it doesn't show its been completed. I can't activate the pylon because of it. I've tried starting the mission over and now i can only talk to the NPC's but nothing will happen. I know I've done the mission because I've ...
4 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Respite Despawn

I have had to rebuild my Respite area 3 times.... Every log out whipes the entire built area. I dont want to spend time working on an area for crafting/inventory just for it to disapear everytime i have to close the game or if it crashes.
4 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Hybrid Stone Powder not recognized as separate resource

Once a hybrid stone (of two of the same stone) is turned into stone powder, it is not recognized as separate from a stone powder of the same stone. For example, 2x Marble -> Hybrid Stone -> Stone Powder (Marble) The hybrid stone powder will ...
14 days ago in Bugs 1 Open
123 VOTE

Horizontal Beams For Support in Buildings

I was thinking that it would be nice to have some horizontal beam/pillar options for buildings and support, like how they have it in Raft. That way it would be easier to build structures like bridges, and multiple-story homes, without having pilla...
6 months ago in Feedback 7 Open