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Showing 935 of 935

Barrister Outfit Clipping Issues

Looks like underwear cliping through shoes, shirt clipping through jacket.
2 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Can't upgrade

Gear doesn't show in the upgrade window on the simple upgrade bench. Have to have my friend use his character to do it.
3 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Unable to transfer all my characters to offline mode

I followed the directions to transfer my online characters to offline mode. I was able to successfully transfer the first character on the list on your web site, but when I click on the second character in the list on the web page it just refreshe...
4 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

We need better magick in the game

Ok, so I am running a pure magick build because I like casting. Arborists Shield needs to not be taken off the player just because they cast something else. Also, my biggest thing, I would like to be able to have a few spells going at once. This i...
6 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

Realm Cards Rebalanced - Community Theorycraft Project

Greetings Devpeoples, This post is part of the Community Theorycraft Project. Something where multiple members of the community gather together to discuss existing and potential new additions to the different elements of this wonderful game. Thing...
7 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 2 Open

Cosmetic Equipment Slots

A secondary slot for each equipment slot that only affects the characters appearance and does not affect any stats. If no equipment is placed in the slot then the character's appearance will be that of the regular equipment slot. Perhaps add a cra...
8 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 6 Open

Add Auto-holster when arriving at any respite

Please include an auto-holster function which causes all players to automatically holster their readied tools & weapons upon arrival at any respite. This function should only be applicable after teleporting, rather than manually entering a res...
9 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Chat toggle button becomes invisible and can lead to the perception the game is hung.

If at any point the Log window disappears while the log window is active, players will appear to have locked control of themselves out of the game: To reproduce. Load the game either to the character Select or into Gameplay Enter settings > Gam...
10 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 2 Open

New Tilesets

Considering on what we already have I'd like to request tilesets in the following architectural and decor styles: Beaux-Arts ( The style of many old public and governance buildings having grandeur, while being practical and being imposing. A monum...
12 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

Some Augments add traits to things - list those in the building menu

Some augments do more than just unlock recipes - they reduce refinement time at certain station, or add traits to crafted gear. These non-recipe adding traits should be listed in the building menu, just like the recipe unlocks are.
14 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 2 Open