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Closing umbrella when not in use

I recently realized that it looks a bit goofy to run around with the open umbrella all the time (especially in third person). I tend to keep it in my off hand because of the mobility it offers, especially with the charm of the raven. I thought it might be a nice feature if the character closes the umbrella and carries it in the off hand until it's either raining or they need to glide. Maybe even as a toggle for people who like the open umbrella at all times.
Category Tags Tools/Gear
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    • Guest
      Mar 14, 2025

      If you press H to hide your hands and then 3 for example to select the knife in my case of your tool bar to be able to us it you now have the umbrella hidden, if you change to any 2 hand weapon and swithc back to 1 hand the umbrella appears again

    • Guest
      Mar 14, 2025
      Perhaps using the umbrella's off hand ability could be used to open and close the umbrella, since the glide can be activated by jumping in mid air anyway.