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Patch Notes Explanation? (Structure piece swaps?)

Hi team!I had a couple clarifying questions and possibly a bug report. Wasn't entirely sure where to put this. In today's Patch Notes for Nightingale City going live, there's a note for:"Structure pieces can now be swapped to different styles in b...
about 16 hours ago in Bugs 2 Closed

Logging in to the Ideas portal deletes my bug report

I made an extensive bug report including screenshots, steps to reproduce and so on. The system demanded my email and password, but it wasn't clear which password was required. As it turned out, it wanted the password for the "Nightingale Community...
1 day ago in Bugs 1 Closed

social menu is broken

so we are trying to get into party and we cant find each other furthermore we went to the watch and invited each other and nothing happens and i cant start a party either
about 1 month ago in Bugs 6 Closed

Charms Reduce Level of Weapons After New Update

I have a Tier 3++ Mystic Axepick. Before the update it was above level 100 (about 105) it was made with Gold Heads, Gold Gilded Ebonwood Handle, 3 enchants, an infusion and a charm and now after the update it is only 88. The stats are identical, I...
6 months ago in Bugs 17 Closed

Unable to progress as sheliak's yoke is stuck on immune and not moving.

I quit halfway through the boss fight because i got overwhelmed - when i logged back in to give it another go the boss killed me (was still at the partially lost health i had gotten it down to) bit then got stuck and doesn't move or attack just ma...
6 months ago in Bugs 24 Closed

Team mates' health not showing as full when full - similar to Follower health always being around 20%

In screenshot I see a player as 20/300 health. She sees her own health as full. This looks related to Follower bug where they walk around with about 20% health visually. Thanks for all your hard work - Realms Rebuilt is an absolute joy :)
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Closed

Bedroll and Campfire at Sasse's Camp can't be used when its raining

Description: When at Sasse's camp in the Abeyence, when it's raining the bedroll and the campfire will take on the "Soggy" Trait, and can't be used State: Actively being worked on Workarounds: - Build a shelter over a bed roll and campfire To help...
6 months ago in Bugs 3 Closed

Cannot play with friend

Cannot find friend in Social menu, despite being on same server (US East Coast). We attempted to join each other through the Steam Menu (Shift+Tab), but got a window(attached) for about a split second before it goes away and no changes happen. We ...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 1 Closed

Crafting station fires cannot be extinguished, and fuel is not consumed

Loaded into my Abeyance today, only to find all crafting station fires ignited. Issues (screenshots attached): Neither the crafting station's options wheel nor the fire's option wheels had the extinguish option. Mousing over the lit fire doesn't s...
18 days ago in Bugs 1 Closed

Battlefield Trip

I am to return to Puck. Puck; an entity who only appears when he deigns to speak to you; who is physically impossible to reach as he maintains absolutely no location within euclidean concepts; with no method of summoning; I am to somehow return to...
6 months ago in Bugs 7 Closed