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More use for essence

Low tier essence use is subpar. It would be great if we could other use for lower tier essence than just repair for t1 and unlocking progress. Many recipe could benefit from needing essence. Especially refined mats (think gilded&etched for exa...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Nightingale Needs Essence Conversion: A Case for Tier Flexibility

I’ve been thinking a lot about the essence system in Nightingale, and I believe there’s a missing piece – the ability to convert higher-tier essences (like T4) into lower ones, specifically T3. Right now, the only option is converting everything d...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Companion is not working

Companion not doing any work, even if I set him/her to work - it is just following me picking up stuff. Same even if I put in following mode. Before the companion walked around chopping down trees or mining stones. It is on starting realm
6 months ago in Bugs 5 Fix Live

Workshop Mallet

I would like to suggest the addition of a Workshop Mallet to assist players with building, upgrading and decorating their builds. I was thinking the Mallet could have 3 functions: Left Click:Locks the selected structure: making it immune to player...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

More design themes.

Just browsing the screenshots in discord, with how different the worlds can be i just figured that it might not be a bad idea to add different themes to the types of building architecture. In some of the photos it just seemed like they all had the...
21 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Optional snap points/grid for gardening (or anything, really)

Would be awfully nice to line up a grid of 10 x 10 gardening pots nicely. Seed plots used to snap together (?) but not anymore.
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Add a 'Downgrade Essence' Button (top left of screen)

Suggestion: Add a simple but prominent button to 'Downgrade' Essence in the top left corner of the menu (see picture), there is plenty of room, new players would understand, and you could even remove the Essences tab since it would be redundant. B...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Remove the Fae Resources from Storied Realms

Greetings Devpeoples, This post is to request that the various Fae Resources, the Gear Score 100 special POI ones like Titan's Fingernail, Einaidia, and Star Ruby, be removed from the Storied Realms entirely. The reasons for this are two fold: It'...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Plant Box Saskatoon Berry bush cannot be harvested with a Sickle

Plant Box Saskatoon Berry bush cannot be harvested with a Sickle
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

blot the bull goat field boss runs to the ocean every time i shoot him

Every time i try to take out blot the bull goat he runs so fast i cant keep up and his jumping back and forth makes him very dificult to shoot and keep up heaven forbid i have to reload while i jump glide across the swamp to catch up. he takes off...
about 2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open