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Showing 1294 of 3076

Allow stairs to be flipped / mirrored, for symmetry!

Please allow staircases (and potentially other building pieces, as needed) to be flipped / mirrored horizontally. I placed a Tudor Curved Staircase in the back right corner of my house, and it looks absolutely lovely. I want to place another one i...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Sconce light radius is almost nonexistent

The light cast by Sconces is infinitesimal... it barely lights the wall it's on, let alone the surrounding area. I think the falloff and radius of all lights is WAY too harsh, even when you litter the walls with lights every 2 feet it's still dark...
6 months ago in Feedback 11 Open

Allow us to hide lower tier crafting recipes

I'm only at tier 2+, and already the crafting UIs are getting cluttered. Some crafting benches will always need access to the lower tier recipes, mainly those that are used as intermediate materials. But the benches that produce final products do ...
6 months ago in Feedback 4 Open


I tip my hat to the Devs. That's how you build a game. I'm reversing my negative review. We'll Done... We'll Done.
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Auto glide if umbrella is in inventory

Suggesting the ability to tap space while in free fall and auto glide if an umbrella is in your inventory. Umbrella will auto equip and unequip during this action, re-equiping the last tool or item that was toggled upon landing.
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Allow Us to Name Estate Address Minor Realm Cards

Greetings Devpeoples, This post is to ask that there be implemented a method to "Name" estate address realm cards, so that we as Players can easily find and use multiple estate cards, and use the right estate cards for specific people, or even our...
6 months ago in Feedback 5 Open

New Items, Wands and Staves

It would be great to have magical implements to use, its weird using a pickaxe to cast fireball. How about wands/staves and allowing you to bind a specific spell to left click and allowing other spells to be added as normal to make magical combat ...
22 days ago in Feedback 2 Open

NPCs should be able to harvest plants

NPCs should be able to harvest plants/fibers/grains/veggies if equipped with a sickle and set to work here. (this would mean that an npc set to work with a sickle at a bunch of pots or farm plots could plant and harvest all their seeds if properly...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

The new dye system is great!! Now PLEASE give us black fabrics and black leathers.

Seriously, I appreciate the hell out of you guys for making the dye system a thing. I actually had a blast running around and picking up everything that could add dyes in my base, and spent a whole evening having fun with the system and giving my ...
12 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Ammunition needs its own radial hub, it is being transferred to storage/follower with All 20 times a play session and we have to manually fish it out over and over

Currently I'm transferring to my companion or a storage box 20+ times per session. All will dump my ammo in there and we have to manually fish it out - even when it doesn't happen, I am scanning both sides to make sure I am not about to set off wi...
6 months ago in Feedback 4 Open