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Stuck in Spyglass View Mode

I recently upgraded to the Mystic Spyglass and traveled to the Forest Gauntlet. Upon using the spyglass, the view of my character became stuck in the spyglass mode no matter what I did. I tried selecting other tools, reselecting and viewing/zoomin...
5 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Borderless Windowed

Using borderless windowed causes, the mouse to move to another screen when you're not in a menu. This causes the game to tab out when you attack or use a tool requiring you to click back into the game. This makes combat and other actions very tedi...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

climbing visual glitch

When climbing, about a third of the time there is a visual glitch where I appear to have four arms; two of them with picks, two without
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Recruit is unselectable without clothing

I remember I had invited one of my friends to take a recruit from my realm that I was not using anymore. I come back, and I find that now, after the latest update, the Recruit is back, standing here without clothing, and no name, unselectable. How...
2 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Plant oil does not take crafting station traits into consideration

When crafting plant oil, no crafting station traits seem to apply. Every single oil takes 30 sec regardless of augments, and never gives extra output. For instance, crafting 20 plant oil from whatever ingredient, takes about 15 min and gives 20 pl...
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

snowball 335meters

hello I can do what I want, throw the snowballs over 335 meters and don't get the achievement for the clothes, I tried that in 3 different worlds, nothing works
2 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Lovely Tudor manor POI!

I was just smashing my way around a random realm while hunting new people to recruit and came across a wonderfully designed POI. It's in the Tudor style (which I'm already quite biased towards). It's also very detailed! There was a bathroom separa...
2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Puck not giving card in opening tutorial

Updated game and lost my old profile. started a new one and puck asks me to extend my hands but in dialogue and out nothing is given pushing all keys. stuck in a loop of that dialogue. Progress halted.
4 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

realm cards do not improve yield

The settler card actively reduces my yield, i.e. takes me from 140% to 120%. The forge card has no impact. The lumber mill card has no impact. I have to assume this is some conflict with augments, but augments in bases are a given. All or most pla...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Flower tiers feel off

Two flowers you can get almost from the beginning are tier 4, dahlia, and delphinium.And then there's the snapdragon, that you don't even see until the herbarium realms and it is only tier 2.I would expect resources one can't get until later to be...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open