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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 13, 2024

Give Companions simple voice

Please give companions simple voice scrips. Just generic man and woman voice script for all recruitable npcs to say simple words like... hello, OK, sure, yes, got it, thank you, are you ok, etc. For example after you recruit them they can respond with "hello, ready to adventure". Or after a fight they can say, "are you ok". When you open the inventory menu they can say "how can I help". Or maybe they can comment on the weather, "it's hot", "it's cold", "nice day today", etc
Category Tags NPCs, Recruitable NPCs (Companions)
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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  • Guest
    Sep 19, 2024
    "we should rest here tonight" or "we should think about resting", or "I'm tired" would be a good line for companions to say when it gets a certain time of day.