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Respite Realm

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(Demo) Single Player Unplayable, I WILL NOT buy. 8 hours in.

PLEASE VOTE THIS UP, IT NEEDS ATTENTION FOR CURRENT PLAYERS AND THOSE WHO WANT A GAME LIKE THIS TO SUCCEED! I am trying out the demo to see how much I might like the game, but I will NOT buy it for 1 reason. Both of the times I have logged out and...
6 days ago in Bugs 6 Open

Lost a building, respite(still able to quick travel to it), and a survivor assigned to that respite.

started the offline game again after a couple of days in the demo version. It turned out that I lost a building and the respite next to it(still able to quick travel to it), and a survivor assigned to that respite. And the sky turned red (the one ...
4 days ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

Respite Despawn

I have had to rebuild my Respite area 3 times.... Every log out whipes the entire built area. I dont want to spend time working on an area for crafting/inventory just for it to disapear everytime i have to close the game or if it crashes.
5 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Respite Not Working

After completing Sylvan's Cradle main quest, I was ported to the crossways. i attempted to respite and was just put back at me current location. Attempted several more time at different location with the same result. exited game and validated file...
5 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Demo world progress doesn't transfer to full game.

I started in the demo in offline mode, getting as far as the Abeyance world and following the tutorials up to making a cairn, tent, and some workstations. I exited the game and bought the full game. Upon starting the full game, I saw my character ...
7 days ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation

Recruit wont help build unfinished structures. (Regency)

My man Wallace seems to have an issue with the Regency build style, he wont finish a Regency blueprint. A wall costs 2 Carved stones and 1 Filigree, he had the mats. And he's behavior is on Allowed "build unfinished structures". Tudor works fine tho.
8 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Please Free the placement of Building Objects

I have struggled and spent countless hours placing down foundations to make rounded homes, aligning the corners correctly in order to design the building I am envisioning. We all seem to love the half-moon balconies, and now seeing the idea of dou...
3 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Nightingael Sovereigns disappear

When i put my Sovereigns in a chest at the Respite they disappear
11 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Either drastically improve realm loading speed or do something about moving stuff between realms

It is extremely tedious to transfer stuff back and forth between the realm you are exploring and the realm you are headquartered at. The main issue is the excessive load times travelling between realms. This is highly disruptive to realm explorati...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Respite not the correct respite

I have updated and deleted my old estate cairn, yet I am still being brought back to my first estate cairn in Sylvains Cradle.
23 days ago in Bugs 0 Open