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Too many workstations

I just think there's too many workstations right off the bat most of which I had no idea whats the purpose for. It's fine for building up a 'full' base but if there's these many workstations... I think the least that could be done for players is t...
about 1 hour ago in Feedback 0 Open

Stuck below graphics in Nightingale City

Fell down a shaft near the water in Nightingale City. When I finally found a place to get out of the water and climb back up, I came up beneath the graphics and could not get back to the level of play.
1 day ago in Bugs 0 Open

Auto glide if umbrella is in inventory

Suggesting the ability to tap space while in free fall and auto glide if an umbrella is in your inventory. Umbrella will auto equip and unequip during this action, re-equiping the last tool or item that was toggled upon landing.
7 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Maps and Annotaion

Is there a way that we can get the ability to make notes on our maps? Example, I found a location with a large outcropping of ore. I know that there is an ore icon, but it would be nice to be able to note what ore it is and a general quantity. If ...
7 months ago in Feedback 4 Open

Umbrella glide does not always trigger

When triggering glide with the umbrella, sometimes it will only produce the sound but not glide. By the time you notice this, chances are, you fell too far already and need to climb back up. I've reported this before the wipe already. Does not app...
6 months ago in Bugs 6 Fix Live

Animations - Sit on chairs, sit on ledges, sit down on the floor, lean on walls, Sleeping animations

Please add animations for us to feel more inside the game and also for players to be able to roleplay, that would increase the game's life.
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Boss rush cards not resetting

Happens quite often to me, not sure about others, quite annoying especially with the trickster card. Had a run where i kept being launched up to the ceiling when jumping for more than 10 waves. Seems like once the card is played, the effect keeps ...
6 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Climbing Picks won't grapple

I'm having a problem where I start to use the climbing picks, and at the beginning it is fine, but after a bit the picks will refuse to register the right click. They won't grabble, they won't climb, and the grabble icon will not light up. I have ...
7 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Louis got blasted into a corner of the building when attacked and is now stuck

trying to do the escort quest with louis when we were attacked by bound he got stuck in a wall
13 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Character doing the jig/fazing

Just started the game and even during character creation, my caracter looks like its tryimg to dodge something. or like its moving 20x fast in place. even in normal gameplay my character looks like its fazing in n out in place dodging. Hard to pla...
9 days ago in Bugs 0 Open