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Realm Cards

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Demo Abeyance resets. DEMO VERSION

~ DEMO VERSION ~ ~tested on Full EA version and did not have any issues with demo->full game transfer characters. see update comment below.~ After completing main quests up to and including building cairn. Quitting play back to "Main menu" on a...
6 days ago in Bugs 15 Open

(Demo) Single Player Unplayable, I WILL NOT buy. 8 hours in.

PLEASE VOTE THIS UP, IT NEEDS ATTENTION FOR CURRENT PLAYERS AND THOSE WHO WANT A GAME LIKE THIS TO SUCCEED! I am trying out the demo to see how much I might like the game, but I will NOT buy it for 1 reason. Both of the times I have logged out and...
6 days ago in Bugs 6 Open

Lost a building, respite(still able to quick travel to it), and a survivor assigned to that respite.

started the offline game again after a couple of days in the demo version. It turned out that I lost a building and the respite next to it(still able to quick travel to it), and a survivor assigned to that respite. And the sky turned red (the one ...
4 days ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

New Major Realm Card series, Defense, Chase, Maze

It would be cool if we had a series of new Realm cards. Some things apply to them across the board, just like other realm cards that already exist. This refers to the biome type and difficulty level. As I know that certain types of game play do no...
3 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Allow Us to Name Estate Address Minor Realm Cards

Greetings Devpeoples, This post is to ask that there be implemented a method to "Name" estate address realm cards, so that we as Players can easily find and use multiple estate cards, and use the right estate cards for specific people, or even our...
6 months ago in Feedback 5 Open

Lost my Sylvan's Cradle Card

I closed my Sylvan's cradle to reset it ( I didn't see the reset realm button at first). After I closed it it took the card and I was not able to get the card back and it did not return to my inventory.This is the order that I did things in.1) wen...
5 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Boss rush cards not resetting

Happens quite often to me, not sure about others, quite annoying especially with the trickster card. Had a run where i kept being launched up to the ceiling when jumping for more than 10 waves. Seems like once the card is played, the effect keeps ...
6 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Bosh Rush Freezes on "All is Ready" Loading Screen

I've participated in a Boss Rush once. I completed around 14 rounds, then left. Now when I enter a Boss Rush portal, the loading screen freezes once the "All is Ready" text appears at the bottom right. I've tried closing & re-opening the porta...
3 months ago in Bugs 10 Fix Live

Unable to enter Boss Rush in Offline Mode

I've been unable to enter boss rush on my offline character. I put the card in the portal, and it doesn't give me any options to reset before opening a portal. It just says "reopen portal", so that's what I do. I go through the portal and everythi...
3 months ago in Bugs 6 Fix Live

New type of sub-biome: subterranean

It would be great for us spelunkers and for realm diversity if a subterranean sub-biome could be added to the pro-gen realms. Concept: For each biome (desert, forest, swamp) have variants that are primarily or entirely subterranean, going with the...
7 months ago in Feedback 2 Open