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Realm Travel

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respite is just bugged all the way around, from teleporting to old locations to not teleporting at all, it is just BORKEN all together. I am reporting this in hopes to do a catch all for up votes so that this gets attention.
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

New Major Realm Card series, Defense, Chase, Maze

It would be cool if we had a series of new Realm cards. Some things apply to them across the board, just like other realm cards that already exist. This refers to the biome type and difficulty level. As I know that certain types of game play do no...
3 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

portal in progress indication

When traveling to crossroads or respite I would like some type of indicator that it is in progress. you get a travel to a travel location then nothing seems to happen for 10 to 30 seconds ( guess)
3 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Respite Not Working

After completing Sylvan's Cradle main quest, I was ported to the crossways. i attempted to respite and was just put back at me current location. Attempted several more time at different location with the same result. exited game and validated file...
5 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Allow Us to Name Estate Address Minor Realm Cards

Greetings Devpeoples, This post is to ask that there be implemented a method to "Name" estate address realm cards, so that we as Players can easily find and use multiple estate cards, and use the right estate cards for specific people, or even our...
6 months ago in Feedback 5 Open

Can't press portal button after boss fight

After fighting Sheliak's Yoke and collecting rewards, I am unable to press the glowing blue button that should activate the portal out. It shows a white dot like interactable objects should when I get close, but never get the option to activate it...
15 days ago in Bugs 7 Open

Trying to open a portal to Sylvans Cradle

After beating the Jabberwock and talking to Puck and getting the portal card it doesn't allow me to activate it.
5 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Multiplayer: Join Same Crossroads

I know it was mentioned in Discord that devs will be looking into this, but I just want to get the request on record here - please please find a way for friends to join the same Crossroads. Right now, unless you are the "primary", the "travel to c...
7 months ago in Feedback 7 Open

1-3 minute loading screens when traveling anywhere

it takes roughly 45-180 seconds for a portal to open. once i walk through the portal, it takes 30-180 seconds for the realm to be ready. if i forget something and need to go back to base... i could easily log into the game and spend the first 10 m...
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Deployable Lodestar kit

So I'm loving the game and really enjoying exploring. One thing I find a bit of a pain is when exploring a realm and I've forgotten to bring all the kit for a lodestar and then need to make benches to make stone/wire/lumbar. How about at Respite w...
3 months ago in Feedback 1 Open