It's not only in the Fae-vaults that this happens, that you cannot activate the artifact to open the portals. It also happened in the boss fights, latest one was Yex and the artifact doesn't work after that. Luckily the quests seems to be finished...
Every time I try this one satellite realm I get a network issue. I have tried remaking the portal with a address card. That did not work either. I am now out of address cards for that realm. I have also lost the 15 workers there. I am worried that...
When traveling to crossroads or respite I would like some type of indicator that it is in progress. you get a travel to a travel location then nothing seems to happen for 10 to 30 seconds ( guess)
When doing the "What Sweet Rest" quest for Poe the gateway won't activate after clearing the infestation—the infestation even registers as cleared on the map but the portal south of Poe's tower will not open.
so I killed the boss in the sylvan's cradle went and got the loot and the note then there is no way out no loadstar no portal nothing am very confused all the post say it is right at the end but all I get is a small stone with a blue triangle on t...
Puck never appears when getting to the portal in the quest Bound's Lair. Because of no Puck, the activation doesn't begin on the portal and there is no credit for the quest. I did a search online and apparently many have had the same issue!
I was excited to FINALLY See BOSS RUSH added to the WATCH. This should have been done a long time ago to promote more people coming to the Watch. Unfortunately, The SHIV NPC near the gate DOES NOT say what the GATE leads to nor does anyone else of...
1-3 minute loading screens when traveling anywhere
it takes roughly 45-180 seconds for a portal to open. once i walk through the portal, it takes 30-180 seconds for the realm to be ready. if i forget something and need to go back to base... i could easily log into the game and spend the first 10 m...
After the Winter Patch, when I try to enter the Boss Rush portal, I'm completely stuck at "all is ready" until I forcibly close the game.Tried to re-enter the game, opened a new portal and convalidate files to no avail