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New Major Realm Card series, Defense, Chase, Maze

It would be cool if we had a series of new Realm cards. Some things apply to them across the board, just like other realm cards that already exist. This refers to the biome type and difficulty level. As I know that certain types of game play do no...
3 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Gear/Resource progression since May 2025 update

Progression jumps too abruptly between Magwytch and The Watch: Full T3 progression is unlocked at the after completing the Gloriana's Tears Sights of Power, but materials remain T3 across Magwytch, Gloriana's Tears, and Hollowed Moor and the Gaun...
5 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Bunker Portal not activing - Herbarium Forest

Just finished mobs in bunker to activate portal in bunker of Herbarium Forest. Pillar not even showing any interactions to activate it.
15 days ago in Bugs 4 Under Investigation

Fabled harpy meat is too rare

Many of us are spending all of our time just trying to get this one item. Something seems very wrong with this drop. Obviously it's very strong and should be a very low chance, but I've killed nearly 500 harpies and haven't seen a single meat. The...
6 months ago in Feedback 13 Open

Immured Metal "HP" should not scale with the boss difficulty.

The further you advance in the waves, the longer it takes to mine the immuried metal needed to make the columns. I don't know if this is intentional, but as a result, you spend more time to mine than fighting the boss when you're reach like the 20...
4 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Character doing the jig/fazing

Just started the game and even during character creation, my caracter looks like its tryimg to dodge something. or like its moving 20x fast in place. even in normal gameplay my character looks like its fazing in n out in place dodging. Hard to pla...
8 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Hardcore Characters

Would be cool to have a toggle on the character creation that let us create a Hardcore character, that when it dies it dies and you need to start a new one, + being forced to play in Nightmare difficulty, i guess the easiest way to add this is in ...
9 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Building still needs major work, this is ridiculous

The building system is absolutely still miserable. Please allow us to toggle snap/ free place. Also, please give us half and quarter sized foundations, floors, walls, half and quarter sized stairs and also different perhaps SMALLER variety of stai...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Not translated.

Some item descriptions, NPC dialogues, quest content, and codex entries have not been translated into Japanese. In particular, everything in the city of Nightingale has not been translated, making it less enjoyable. With each update, even things t...
14 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

needing to eat making the game less fun

I was so excited to play this game when it was announced, but when trying the early access game with a friend, we needed to eat so often. It frustrated my friend so much, he just requested a refund for the game, he said it felt like a chore to pla...
6 months ago in Feedback 7 Open