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Please add dyes and ways to make character look better and more personlized.

dyes and customization
7 months ago in Feedback 8 Open

Puck is M.I.A.

While running the quest "A Nightingale's Song", My wife and I got to the part where Puck is supposed to show up. He showed up for her, but not me. (Me trying to be vague, as to not spoil anything.) If you could provide any information as to how I ...
6 days ago in Bugs 3 Open


respite is just bugged all the way around, from teleporting to old locations to not teleporting at all, it is just BORKEN all together. I am reporting this in hopes to do a catch all for up votes so that this gets attention.
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

social menu is broken

My friend and I cannot create/join a party that either of us create
about 2 months ago in Bugs 5 Open

Allow Us to Name Estate Address Minor Realm Cards

Greetings Devpeoples, This post is to ask that there be implemented a method to "Name" estate address realm cards, so that we as Players can easily find and use multiple estate cards, and use the right estate cards for specific people, or even our...
6 months ago in Feedback 5 Open

Heart of the Matter, can't turn in Heart

Playing Multiplayer, I was able turn in quest to Marie but partner could not. We tried switching realms and still not able to turn in quest.
4 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

social menu is still broken

Cant' add players to party even though posts say it has been fixed. was just in the watch and other players could not get people to join's like the request is not being sent or if it is it's not putting a response field to accept. The inv...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 6 Open

Animations - Sit on chairs, sit on ledges, sit down on the floor, lean on walls, Sleeping animations

Please add animations for us to feel more inside the game and also for players to be able to roleplay, that would increase the game's life.
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

My online Character is lost

I don't really know how this could happen. I played last night and quit the game normally. Now i wanted to continue and my Character doesn't show up. Only thing i could do is create a new one.
5 days ago in Bugs 2 Open

Multiplayer: Join Same Crossroads

I know it was mentioned in Discord that devs will be looking into this, but I just want to get the request on record here - please please find a way for friends to join the same Crossroads. Right now, unless you are the "primary", the "travel to c...
7 months ago in Feedback 7 Open