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(Demo) Single Player Unplayable, I WILL NOT buy. 8 hours in.

PLEASE VOTE THIS UP, IT NEEDS ATTENTION FOR CURRENT PLAYERS AND THOSE WHO WANT A GAME LIKE THIS TO SUCCEED! I am trying out the demo to see how much I might like the game, but I will NOT buy it for 1 reason. Both of the times I have logged out and...
6 days ago in Bugs 6 Open

Base despawned

Trying out the demo to see if it was worth the buy, Logged in 4 hours base building & exploring. Logged back in & boom all items stored & built structures gone. Which is a HUGE deterrent as why did i just spend 4 hours collecting &...
5 days ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation
402 VOTE

Bag Equipped to NPC Adds Slots

If a bag is equipped to an NPC, I want it to provide more slots please
7 months ago in Feedback 14 Open
348 VOTE

Hide Equipped Items when moving Inventory Items

I am finding it difficult, for my eyes at least, to focus on the little green dots, when moving my inventory massively over to the boxes. I tend to be moving over items that I have already equpped not noticing that I just moved over potions and so...
7 months ago in Feedback 14 Open

Too many workstations

I just think there's too many workstations right off the bat most of which I had no idea whats the purpose for. It's fine for building up a 'full' base but if there's these many workstations... I think the least that could be done for players is t...
about 4 hours ago in Feedback 0 Open

UI for menus, shop, and inventory are terrible.

Its really painful to interact with. I'll start with the shop UI. Users should get a view of an item first and let them toggle the filter options if they need them. It is tedious and frustrating that I had to open dropdowns just to see what the me...
about 4 hours ago in Feedback 0 Open

Missing Storage and Benches

While playing the demo I had a respite and benches and storage. When I logged in again it said it was there on the map but none of it was. I assumed it was because it was the demo. I bought the full version and it's still happening.
about 18 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open


Dont have anything in my inventory and still the game is telling me im overweight. When i come out of some range of my base it tells me i have no weight, but if i do the same but just bring my axe im overweight.
2 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Unable to add resources unless its direct to building shadowform

When you add a new shadowform, like a wall, previously to the Nightingale city update we saw on our UI the resources needed to fulfill the build. We were also able to add them from any connected portion of the base with the same E auto add. I am u...
11 days ago in Bugs 3 Open

Respite Despawn

I have had to rebuild my Respite area 3 times.... Every log out whipes the entire built area. I dont want to spend time working on an area for crafting/inventory just for it to disapear everytime i have to close the game or if it crashes.
5 days ago in Feedback 0 Open