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Demo Abeyance resets. DEMO VERSION

~ DEMO VERSION ~ ~tested on Full EA version and did not have any issues with demo->full game transfer characters. see update comment below.~ After completing main quests up to and including building cairn. Quitting play back to "Main menu" on a...
6 days ago in Bugs 15 Open

(Demo) Single Player Unplayable, I WILL NOT buy. 8 hours in.

PLEASE VOTE THIS UP, IT NEEDS ATTENTION FOR CURRENT PLAYERS AND THOSE WHO WANT A GAME LIKE THIS TO SUCCEED! I am trying out the demo to see how much I might like the game, but I will NOT buy it for 1 reason. Both of the times I have logged out and...
6 days ago in Bugs 6 Open
263 VOTE

Allow us to choose our augments for crafting stations to turn them on and off.

It'd be nice to have an interface in each crafting station, that allowed us to just toggle which augments we wanted, so we can decorate however we want, keep all augments connected to the crafting station, and then just choose which ones we want t...
6 months ago in Feedback 22 Open
246 VOTE

Please add dyes and ways to make character look better and more personlized.

dyes and customization
7 months ago in Feedback 8 Open

Too many workstations

I just think there's too many workstations right off the bat most of which I had no idea whats the purpose for. It's fine for building up a 'full' base but if there's these many workstations... I think the least that could be done for players is t...
about 6 hours ago in Feedback 0 Open

Missing Storage and Benches

While playing the demo I had a respite and benches and storage. When I logged in again it said it was there on the map but none of it was. I assumed it was because it was the demo. I bought the full version and it's still happening.
about 20 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

Fish Trophy

Maybe instead of building 39489384983984 fish tropies and choosing them as an addition to cooking implement . Have a craft that needs 10 fish to build but works on all cooked fish , other crafted trophies can still be vanity items ?
2 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Snap to Grid for Objects with Toggle

A lot of time is spent fine-tuning the placement of items so that they line up neatly. As there is currently no free flying viewpoint to assist when building or placing items, some form of snapping that can be enabled or disabled would be useful f...
4 days ago in Feedback 1 Open
182 VOTE

Give us a preview of what the item will look like crafted with certain materials

There is no way to know how our crafted outfits will turn out with the materials used. Please provide something so we are not wasting materials on outfits we will not wear because it will not meet the aesthetic we are trying for. Thank you.
6 months ago in Feedback 7 Open
149 VOTE

Excellent Cooking Station

This is just a small thing, but can we get a craftable version of the cast iron stove like the one in Danu's house or some of the NPC homes? the victorian decorated kitchen i want to build looks so wierd with what is basically a Hibachi in it as a...
6 months ago in Feedback 7 Open