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skybox variety seems to decrease every update

I remember seeing such a beautiful variety of vibrant skyboxes in videos and in screenshots released during the closed alphas. I LOVED all of the beautiful, vibrant skies one could have. It seems, though, that with each update, we get less and les...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Gliding logout bug

I was flying around Welkin's Reach, I triggered Travel to Respite while flying, then after a few seconds I instead logged to main menu to step away. When I came back and clicked Resume, the game goes to the Continue Journey screen and lets me clic...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

some errors occurred while gaming

Hi folks firstly, the game has very nice few's all around, THX! Found two errors yet, 1 - one camp can’t finish, even I had destroyed enemies and spoke with all three character’s. See attached 2 - in the inventory there are some failures, maybe by...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Wrong wording

Making the .433 rounds at the excellent workbench gunpowder is said to make at the refined mortar table but its actually made at the refined masonry table
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Death by Fishing

I was fishing. I suddenly was flung across the ocean. Drowned and my surviovor revived me. So I was underneath the ocean alive. Couldn't get out. I have pictures. I thought it was funny.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Cutmore (swords)

A prepared officer of the realm requires a sword such as the rapier, cutlass, falchion etc, to "cut more" than the axe which just now is my main weapon for melee.
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Improvements for Codex Lore

You can find this lore by searching for this little "helo echos". For me this is the only point in the game, that really need exploring. Some suggestions: 1) The sound is very quiet. If it is completely silent, I can hear it from about 25m, some a...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Dispel Grenade Durability Bug

When you use both mats and a durability infusion, something happens to where it visibly says it has a higher durability, but, in actuality, does not get the benefit of the higher durability.If you add materials with durability and use the durabili...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Roofs are too strict on required support.

Every time I try to build a roof, it feels like I need pillars on every foundation corner going all the way to the roof or I can't build it. My current build is 3 walls high then 3 roof tiles high, and I can't place the middle roof tile even with ...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Random railing removal in edit mode, and related support beam sadness

Having some strangeness pop up during my latest floating POI build which is causing me quite a bit of frustration. I've put down a crude stone foundation and started my build upwards. I like to start off with railings for safety so I don't fall of...
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Open