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Medieval/Gothic castle building set

So I've just gotten to Tier 2 Essence goods, looked through all three pages for building tiles, and while I appreciate what is there, I would really like to see another style I'm surprised is lacking. I would love it if you would add some medieval...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Trader bundle arrows

You used to be able to expand the bundles at the traders in the watch so that you could see what was in each bundle. Now, you can't. So there's no way of knowing what minor cards are included in the Adventure Minor cards, or which tile pieces are ...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation

NPC "Work Here" pathing is frequently bad and makes the mode useless

Unattended NPCs have poor pathing, sometimes getting completely stuck (see video). The net amount they collect is typically therefore very low. Also not clear if they completely go idle if the player is too far.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

HDR support when ;)

Please, for the love of god, add HDR support to this gorgeous game. Thank you!
26 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

NPC recruit disappeared

NPC recruit disappeared when i asked for her card, card did not go to inventory/card menu . Had gear on her. have had this recruit for months with no issues. i also just tried to reproduce this bug and i did. second npc disappeared. more info: i d...
26 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Uniteractable loot chests in Desert Gloom

I opened up a desert gloom map and it was really buggy. Weather remained gloomy even after changed it to clear weather, and chests were not interractable in serveral location. I found an airship wreck that was full of shiny chests and those golden...
26 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Traditional aim down sights mechanics

Hoping to see a feature added to be able to aim down sights with ranged weaponry, like in other fps games. It does not seem like a crazy ask, but essentially just a simple zoom and sensitivity slow down when aiming would be extremely appreciated. ...
27 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

New Building Tile for Castle Builders

A building tile set that I think many people would enjoy is Romanesque style. Perhaps even adding rounded foundations/walls/roofs to the tile pack would add so much character to the game. Many people would love to build an European-style castle in...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Map Icon Colours

Consider changing the colour of the icons for completed POIs. I have to keep hovering over them to see if I've cleared them already because I have the memory of a goldfish
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Survival needs more impact

Right now the survival aspect of the game feels more like a gimmick rather than being a core aspect of the game. Eating, sleeping, and drinking is without an animation. There isn't a thirst seems like a last minute addition to the game. ...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open