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Full Beard Option - CC

I would like to have a full beard option for my main character. My follower / npc have a full beard option. Would love this for facial hair option.
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Fix Live

Immured Metal "HP" should not scale with the boss difficulty.

The further you advance in the waves, the longer it takes to mine the immuried metal needed to make the columns. I don't know if this is intentional, but as a result, you spend more time to mine than fighting the boss when you're reach like the 20...
3 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Please segregate Minor and Major cards in the Card inventory tab

Hit Tab, go to the Cards tab in Inventory You are either looking for a Major Card to use in a PortalOR a Minor Card to put in a Realmic Transmute ...but they are all jumbled together making you mouse hover through. Two solutions: - Sort them so Ma...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Please add option to not auto-add to consumable radial

I love the new radial! It's just annoying when things like seeds and raw materials auto-add to it and then I can't find them when I'm planting or managing my main inventory. It would be nice to have the option to manage it myself without having th...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

unable to crouch vault or use climbing picks, also cant harvest

i dont know hwat causes it but occasionally when i use my climbing picks ill lose the ability to reuse them and then i cant crouch or vault ive also noticed that sometimes it also makes it so i cant harvest animal corpses
5 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Make lights logical and fun again please

Just returned to the game this weekend and found that wall lights and candles no longer bestow the well lit trait on work stations. I hope this is just an early access "broken for now" issue and you're planning on making this work again, because l...
14 days ago in Feedback 1 Open

Opening a portal does not load and it just shuts down with no effect

I went to the crossway to enter my first realm after the abeyance (Sylvan's Cradle) for the second time, and the portal loads up with the smoke and music. several minutes later, it just stops and no portal opens. Multiple reports of this happening...
17 days ago in Bugs 3 Open

Visual change of cleared map poi icons.

It would be nice if the map-icon of the poi changed when you have cleared it. You still have to hover of all icons to see if the have been done.
4 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Companion transfer Equivalence

Can we get a "equivalent" option when transferring items from inventory to companion inventory. Would be a nice QOL and help speed up transfers while adventuring!
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Bosh Rush Freezes on "All is Ready" Loading Screen

I've participated in a Boss Rush once. I completed around 14 rounds, then left. Now when I enter a Boss Rush portal, the loading screen freezes once the "All is Ready" text appears at the bottom right. I've tried closing & re-opening the porta...
about 2 months ago in Bugs 10 Planned