Game refuses to start after quit: "Game already running"
exited the game normaly, tried to start i later and it just pops a window with: "Game already running" which it ofc does not seem to be doing Taskmanger does not report anything obvious... Trying to exit Steam pops a window with "Waiting for night...
When using the longbow, you can fire normally or right click to zoom right? So whith the right click, the targetting crosshair "disappears" and you use what I'm guessing is the bow sight. No issues here - my problem is with normal targetting - the...
Character Creation camera should not reset every time a selection is made on the left.
In the character creator, anytime a new selection is made on the left, the camera resets and zooms all the way in. The camera only needs to reset when going between steps 1/2/3, not when going from nose to jawline, or head to eyes etc.
I have "Consumables" bound to P and "Map" bound to Q. This doesn't work at all. The behaivour is that hitting P consumes the default consumable. Holding P does nothing. Hitting Q does nothing. Holding Q brings up the consumable radial. IOW, neithe...
Yesterday I logged out after sleeping in the Settlement of my Abeyance realm. When I logged back in today there was what looked like a graphics bug showing part of the cave wall and floor was missing. I moved to look from a different angle and end...
Hello. I would like to appreciate work done in Nightingale. From Early Acces it take long journey and latest update show how much Nightingale can be awesome <3 I love idea of Hand-Made worlds. They're just brilliant. But i see them sometimes em...
Hi, while I appreciate a level of inclusiveness by having the arachnophobia filter, I do think the game more importantly needs features related to color-blindness. I have friends who want to play the game but literally cannot because there is no c...
I'd like to see the glamour system unlock earlier in the game. Running around in clothing that you don't like is just such a dampener. I'd rather eat the stat penalty than run around in early-tier clothing. And since the game no longer stops me vi...