The companion's "firewood refill" option should be off by default
The refill behaviour just isn't practical atm and pretty much everyone turns it off after seeing some carved wood in the furnace. While I don't think that fixing this needs to be a priority, it's unnecessary for every newbie to run into the issue....
Bonjour certain texte ne sont pas traduit, surtout quand on parle avec des PNJ. Il y a aussi certaines pages non traduite .
Je suis au tout début du jeu , et j'ai déjà vu une dizaine de texte non traduit . Je joue en version française uniquement.
I'm not sure how this has never been brought up, but my followers have several bizarre habits regarding beds. Many of these bugs should have come up during testing--and indeed come up daily in game--so it feels a little insulting that folks need t...
Hello! While doing the Quest for Joan of Arc, where you help her build the first parts of her army, I thought about making this a feature in the game. The better equipped the NPCs are the better the chances during the event. This also gives more r...
Your update picture released on Steam clearly shows a follower working at a station. I have built that exact station and added a follower/recruit to work it. No such person appears but the station is producing Fish. Is this a visual bug tor WAI if...
Hello! One thing I would like to see is more support for offerings. Right now, these are what I consider some of the issues (some of which are bugs already reported on this forum): Offerings aren't returning the correct tier for the Realm that the...
So I have two seperate mining stations and have assigned people to them with stone and tin or stone and quartz but not tin and quartz. as it resets the other emptying the resource slot. A friend has 4 mining stations without this problem.