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The Matriarch's Lament - first Bastille of Might attempted stuck after first wave.

In the quest The Matriarch's Lament, the Bastille of Might closest to the realm spawn point is not spawning the 2nd wave of enemies. So the player is unable to complete the Bastille and exit. I will travel to my respite and come back and see if i ...
5 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Add a Tudor Solid Stone/Brick Wall, and Tudor Upper Stone Floor.

Add (at minimum) a Tudor Solid Stone/Brick Wall, and Tudor Upper Stone Floor. Two brick designs already exists in game on the Tudor foundation sides, and on the Tudor fireplace. It would be nice for designing kitchens and smithy areas etc. Would a...
5 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

most elements of the glamour menu are incorrectly labeled

The different labeled elements of the glamour menu are, to be honest, a complete trainwreck. Especially for tools. You'll have blades labelled as hilts and vice versa, wood colors applying to what should be cloth, cloth applying to wood, it's a co...
9 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

The new sofa is...a start. But not really useable.

We've been begging for more living related furniture, and I was PUMPED to see that more of that stuff had been added. Really love that, super super appreciate it. That being said, I was pretty disappointed with the Tudor sofa, and honestly all of ...
10 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Fabled harpy meat is too rare

Many of us are spending all of our time just trying to get this one item. Something seems very wrong with this drop. Obviously it's very strong and should be a very low chance, but I've killed nearly 500 harpies and haven't seen a single meat. The...
5 months ago in Feedback 13 Open

Companion pathing buggy when attempting to revive player

Was waiting for my companion to come revive me while I was downed, and noticed that they were rubber-banding from their start location (24m away) to my location. Each time they would make headway by 1 meter before being bounced back to their origi...
6 months ago in Bugs 4 Fix Live

Farming / Planting has become too tedious

Farming is too tedious. Specifically, planting seeds. I run farms with a hundred or so plant boxes, and it wasn't too bad back when all survivors would help with the planting. (I don't know if the survivors are bugged or working as intended, but t...
6 months ago in Feedback 15 Open

Hide outdated crafting stations

The "Crafting Station" category in the build UI is rather overwhelming. I'd love for there to be a tickbox like "Hide outdated stations" so that it only displays the most advanced tier of each station. Cheers o/
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

4-way peaked roofs & allow pillars to support roofs

To achieve a dormered effect I atempted to join these 2 intersecting perpendicular peaked roofs, but there is no 4-way piece that will do this smoothly with a 'clean' look from the outside. The closest that can be achieved is to gable end two of t...
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Multiplayer: Join Same Crossroads

I know it was mentioned in Discord that devs will be looking into this, but I just want to get the request on record here - please please find a way for friends to join the same Crossroads. Right now, unless you are the "primary", the "travel to c...
6 months ago in Feedback 7 Open