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the Bounds lair - Portal not not opening

the mechanism doesn't have to option to activate
2 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Automaton Queen Gem Dye not available/visual bug

New boss dye for gem are not in the dye system, appart from that, if you craft a knife seems with the new gem, each time you enter a realm with that item in your hand you have like a light on your screen for a couple of seconds, seems that other t...
3 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Closing umbrella when not in use

I recently realized that it looks a bit goofy to run around with the open umbrella all the time (especially in third person). I tend to keep it in my off hand because of the mobility it offers, especially with the charm of the raven. I thought it...
3 days ago in Feedback 2 Open

Nightingale City - Golden Vase Bug

Only 4 golden vases can currently be found. We now have several users who confirm this. Apparently the last golden vase does not spawn, regardless of location!
3 days ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

Hybrid Stone Powder not recognized as separate resource

Once a hybrid stone (of two of the same stone) is turned into stone powder, it is not recognized as separate from a stone powder of the same stone. For example, 2x Marble -> Hybrid Stone -> Stone Powder (Marble) The hybrid stone powder will ...
1 day ago in Bugs 1 Open

augments and damage are not correctly displayed in the weapon description

Different augments and minor card bonuses are correctly displayed with the correct damage on the weapon preview. But once crafted, some of them may disappear, resulting in lower damage being displayed on the weapon, inspection screen and character...
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Granville Tailer Woods is stuck under the dock

Granville has managed to get stuck under the dock. I still need to talk to him to complete the quest A Lost Spark. I tried re-logging as well as traveling back to respite then to the city and he is still way below the building.
4 days ago in Bugs 12 Under Investigation
456 VOTE

Upgrade building tiles without deconstructing

Please allow for building tiles to be upgraded (or downgraded) in Build Mode, to any tiles that are similar in function (ie replacing a Crude Wall with a Tudor Wall, or Desert Doorway to Bhutan Doorway). This should also result in previous materia...
6 months ago in Feedback 16 Open
397 VOTE

Bag Equipped to NPC Adds Slots

If a bag is equipped to an NPC, I want it to provide more slots please
6 months ago in Feedback 13 Open

Gate button not working

the small push button at gate will show the dot that indicates 'this can be interacted with', but no prompt shows up and I can't interact with it. this means that I can't enter dungens at all. that exit gates that also have this button are not wor...
about 12 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open